Georganne White has lived in Northport for 33 years. Ms. White enjoyed a 41-year career in Public Education. She was an elementary school teacher in the Three Village School District and a school media specialist for the Huntington School district. She was also a part-time librarian at the Harborfields Public Library. During her professional career, Ms. White was the recipient of many grants which improved the quality of education for her students. She was honored by the New York State School Media Association for her library program. She worked with other professionals and offered many in-service training classes for her colleagues to promote literature in education. In her retirement, Ms. White is a member of the Huntington Neighbors Club and volunteers at the Helping Hands Rescue Mission. She has been honored for this charitable work by the New York State United Teachers. Ms. White has been a Library trustee since 2015. She states that her mission is to recognize the importance of the library as a center for information, culture, and recreation as well as a resource to provide life-long learning in the community.