Equipment for Public Use FAQ


The Library supplies equipment for in-library public use. If you have questions about the equipment, call the Library or stop by the reference or circulation service desks.

Community Room Equipment

The Community Rooms of both Library buildings have equipment for multimedia demonstrations. Presenters can access computers, projectors, microphones, DVD players. Please contact Community Services for any presentation questions.


Computers for public use are available in the both Library buildings. Patrons can access these computers using their Library card barcode and password. Guests of the Library can receive a guest pass at the reference desk at either library building. Internet, word processing, graphics, tutorials, and games are available on the public machines. Learn more about the computers and technology available in the library.


Self-service black and white and color public copy machines are available in the both Library buildings. Machines accept coins and bills.

Color copies can also be made in either Library building by using the scanner.

There is a fee for color copies.

Equipment for People with disabilities

In-library assistive technology and materials are also available. Please see the Assistive Technology and Materials page for further information.

Fax Machines

Fax machines for the public are available in both Library buildings. There is a 10 page limit daily. There is no charge for faxes being sent within the continental United States. The fax machine does not print confirmation pages for outgoing faxes.

Microfilm Machine

A microfilm machine for the public is available in the Northport Library building. This self-serve machine can accept microfilm or microfiche formats and can print in black and white.


All computers for public use are connected to a centralized printer which will guide you through the printing process. Applicable fees will be displayed. Prints can be made in color or black and white.


Scanners for the public are available in both Library buildings. Each scanner allows you to save documents to a variety of formats and offers different output options.

Self-Check Machines

Self-Checkout machines for the public are available in the Youth Services Departments on the lower level of both Library buildings.

Tutorial Room Equipment

The Tutorial Rooms in both Library buildings are equipped with DVD players for instructional use. Reservation guidelines can be found on the Meeting Rooms page.


Typewriters are available in the both buildings for public use.

Wireless Internet Access

Wireless internet access is available for Library patrons and guests.

Wireless Printing

Visit the Computers & Technology FAQ for information.