The Library will be closed in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday on Monday, Feb. 17.

Library Services FAQ


How can I get a reference question answered?

Reference staff is available at the reference desk during library hours to help you with your questions. During library hours, questions can be answered by phone by asking for the reference desk at either building. After hours, questions can be submitted via email at


Where can I get information on programs and events being held at the Library?

Library programs, activities, and services are described in our award-winning newsletter, The Library. The newsletter is mailed to all households in the library district each month, and copies are available in the Library. A special large print version is available in both library buildings.  A PDF version of the newsletter is available here. Program information is also available on our online calendar.


Does the Library have a notary public?

No. The Library does offer an updated list of local locations offering the service.


Does the Library offer document shredding services?

The Northport-East Northport Public Library offers a document shredding service - visit for the details and information on other shredding resources in the area.


Does the Library offer unused/expired medicine collection services?

Check the Northport-East Northport event calendar for upcoming medicine collection events.

Other libraries in the Town of Huntington occasionally offer on-site unused/expired medicine collection events for our patrons.

Please note:

  • Browse a list of public libraries in the Town of Huntington
  • Some libraries may have specific rules or guidelines for their medicine collection dates.
  • All dates and times are subject to change.
  • It is recommended that you call individual libraries to confirm the details before traveling to a location.


Can I use the community room in the Library for a general public meeting?

The community rooms are also available for use by non-profit community groups. There is no charge for community room use, but activities must meet Library guidelines and reservations are required. Click here to request a meeting room. Please contact the Community Services Department for further information.


How can I use the Tutorial Room?

Tutorial Rooms, located on the mezzanine in each library, may be reserved for literacy and other non-profit tutoring. The Tutorial Rooms are equipped with a DVD for instructional use. Review our tutorial guidelines.


How can I use the Quiet Study Room?

Seating is available on a first-come-first-served basis.

The Quiet Study Room on the mezzanine at Northport and the Learning Center in the East Northport Library are designed for individual quiet study. An additional Quiet Study room is available at the lower level of the Northport building.


Can I post an announcement on the Library’s bulletin board?

Library activities and community events are posted on the community bulletin boards located in both Library buildings. Space is also available for postings by non-profit groups and organizations. If you wish to post a notice, complete a Request to Post Material form available online, or in person at the Circulation Desk or Reference Desk.


Does the Library accept donations?

Books, audiovisual materials, and other items, whether new or used, may be donated to either library location. Materials not selected for use in the Library's collection will be sold at Library book sales. A letter of acknowledgement will be sent, and we will state the number of items donated if requested.


Is the Library accessible for persons with disabilities?

Both Library buildings are accessible to people with disabilities. Visually-enhanced computer equipment and assistive listening devices are available.  Please ask a Librarian about other special equipment, or let us know in advance if you require any special accommodations to participate in Library programs and activities. Visit our Accessibility page for more information.


Where can I find exercise and fitness classes in the community?

Various organizations in the Northport and Huntington community offer exercise and fitness programs.