Skills building, writing lab, test prep center, and email questions geared to lifelong learners. Includes resume writing, high school equivalency, career resources and citizenship test prep. Live online tutoring available every day.
151 Laurel Avenue
Northport, NY 11768
United States
185 Larkfield Road
East Northport, NY 11731
United States
Skills building, writing lab, test prep center, and email questions geared to lifelong learners. Includes resume writing, high school equivalency, career resources and citizenship test prep. Live online tutoring available every day.
Live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, PSAT/SAT, ACT, AP and state standardized tests and language lab. Take advantage of the 24-hour online writing lab and Homework Question Center.
Assistance for every step of the college admissions process, including live counselors and essay review via their writing lab, as well as application, admissions interview, and financial aid resources.
Degrees offered by college and subject. Occupational education. Scholarships, fellowships, grants and loans.
Create an account to access more than 1,000 video classes. Learn how to paint, draw, sew, quilt, knit, crochet, and more. Classes are taught by design experts and artists. Take a class, download patterns and templates, and create!
Resource for educators and education students. Access to periodicals covering pre-school to college and most educational specialties.
The premier education database, includes citations and abstracts from the major education journals with links to many articles and full text documents.
Search for articles, essays and primary source materials for teens and adults. Incudes Arts & Literature, Biography, Business & Careers, Current Events, Geography & Culture, Health, History & Social Science, Science & Math.
Provides more than 360, six-week long online programs taught by college instructors who are experts in their field. Topics include accounting, business, health, language and arts, teaching and education, writing and publishing, and more.
Encyclopedias and specialized reference sources on arts, biography, business, colleges, environment, history, medicine, nation & world, religion, science, and social science.
Access to a comprehensive, full text, history reference database designed for secondary schools and undergraduate research. Features full text for 2,000 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books.
Access to periodical content covering organizational dynamics and leadership, adult learning, continuing education, 21st-century skills, and more.
Online video tutorials & training courses for all levels. Learn technology, creative and business skills. Courses include web design, photography, Audio + Music, 3D + Animation, education and more. Watch from your computer, tablet, or mobile device.
A central resource for downloads, research, veteran's resources, language learning, homework help and career information, for the libraries of Suffolk County, NY.
Comprehensive data on accredited two-year colleges offering associate degrees as well as some international schools.
Provides sources of education-related financial aid administered by private organizations and companies. Covers a variety of programs in all educational areas.